Přeskočit na obsah
Vážené architektky, vážení architekti, pražská kancelář je pro Vás otevřena i během svátků. Razítka si můžete vyzvednout vždy od 10 do 14 h v pondělí 23.12., v pátek 27. 12. a v pondělí 30. 12. Výměnu razítka v brněnské kanceláři si domluvte individuálně.

Fees and insurance

CCA membership fees and basic professional insurance premiums are due on 28 February of the given year.

When making payments, please pay careful attention when entering the CCA’s bank account number and be sure to enter the variable symbol correctly.

Contacts at the CCA Office for the payment of contributions:

  • regular payments - Helena Jiříková, e-mail: [email protected], +420 608 975 312
  • non-payers as discussed at the CCA Supervisory Board - Milena Ondráková, e-mail: [email protected],  +420 273 167 483, +420 608 976 912
  • non-payers submitted by the Supervisory Board for discussion at the CCA's Professional Court - Radka Kasalová, [email protected], +420 257 532 430




per the Organisational, Procedural and Electoral Rules


125+five-digit certification number (full membership)


8125+five-digit certification number (registered/resident persons)


for bank giro transfers: 0379, for cashless payments: 0558


28. 2. 2025



Foreign payments
IBAN: CZ02 0300 0000 0002 7931 6984
Swift Code: CEKOCZPP

Please pay membership fees using the correct variable symbol and in the amount set by the CCA's Organisational, Procedural and Electoral Rules. If the variable symbol is not entered correctly, there may be issues with crediting your payment. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

If you are also paying for professional insurance, please make two separate payments.

The variable symbol is formed as follows: 1 - for membership contributions, 25 - the relevant year, followed by a five-digit certification number. The variable symbol is always unique for each member and each calendar year. Established persons always have a variable symbol beginning with the number 8.

The standard membership fee for certified person for 2025 is 9,600 CZK.

Reduced CCA membership fees currently apply in the following cases:

  • 4,800 CZK - (i) for newly certified architects for a period of three years from the date of certification; and (ii) for members engaged in full-time care of a child up to the age of four, who have not suspended their certification during this period of parental leave, based on the submitted request and providing a copy of the child's birth certificate
  • 2,400 CZK - for members who have reached retirement age by the membership fee due date and apply for a reduction
  • 0 CKZ - for members engaged in full-time care of a child up to the age of four, who have suspended their certification

When the membership fee is received after the due date, a penalty of 1% of the amount owed is charged for each month of delay in payment.




1,300 CZK / 2,860 CZK/ 5,590 CZK


225+five-digit certification number (full membership)


8225 + five-digit certification number (registered/resident persons)


for giro transfers: 0379, for cashless payments: 0558


28. 2. 2025



The insurance is offered with two limits:

a) for claims up to 400,000 CZK - the premium is 1,300 CZK per annum;

b) for claims up to 1,000,000 CZK - the premium is 2,860 CZK per annum;

c) for claims up to 3,000,000 CZK - the premium is 5,590 CZK per annum.

Please use the correct variable symbol when paying for professional insurance. If the variable symbol is not entered correctly, there may be issues with crediting your payment.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

The variable symbol is formed as follows: 2 - for professional insurance, 25 - the relevant year, followed by the five-digit certification number. The variable symbol is always unique for each member and each calendar year. Established persons always have a variable symbol beginning with the number 8.
All architects certified by the Czech Chamber of Architects are obliged to pay for insurance for 2024, unless they have requested the cancellation of the Chamber's basic professional insurance and proved that they are otherwise insured by the deadline of 28 February 2024.

The requirement to take out professional insurance follows from the provisions of Section 16 of Act No. 360/1992 Coll., on the Professional Practice of Certified Architects and on the Professional Practice of Certified Engineers and Technicians Active in Construction, as amended.

Certified persons must be insured for the entire duration of their professional activities. In the event that a certified person has cancelled their professional insurance, they can re-register with the brokerage firm Marsh for a fee. 

If architects who have unsubscribed from professional insurance have accidentally paid for professional insurance, they must request the return of this amount from the CCA Office.

Applications for Reduced Membership Fees, Professional Insurance and the Termination of Certification
All full members of the CCA are obliged to pay an annual membership fee by 28 February of relevant calendar year. The Organisational, Procedural and Electoral Rules of the CCA allow for certain exceptions. It is also possible to unsubscribe from compulsory professional insurance, or to submit an application for the termination of certification. The CCA and its certified members must however respect the established rules and regulations.

Membership Fees
The basic membership fee for full Chamber members comes to 9,600 CZK and is due by 28 February each year. If the obligation to pay membership fees only arises in the course of the calendar year, the amount of the fee is calculated by multiplying the relevant number of months by one twelfth of the annual fee and the due date would be one month from the date that certification was granted.

Termination of Membership
The Chamber shall terminate the certification of any person who renounces their certification in writing. An architect who has terminated their certification is obliged to submit their certification seal and original certificate of certification to the CCA Office without undue delay. If the certification is terminated during the course of the calendar year, the amount of the fee is calculated by multiplying the relevant number of months by one-twelfth the annual fee (if the certification is renounced on 3 March, the membership fee for the relevant year would be proportional, i.e., 3/12 of the annual fee).

Basic Professional Insurance
All CCA members are insured, with the exception of those persons who have expressly refused insurance. It is possible to unsubscribe from basic insurance, but this can have negative consequences for the certified person, with regard to the principle of "claims made" (which provides coverage on claims made on active policies regardless of when the event occurred or the claim was filed). It is possible to re-apply for basic insurance through insurance "rollback." The insurance is effective from the date of registration and on the basis of payment of the insurance premium and a one-off rollback fee, the amount of which depends upon the length of the period of interruption.

a) membership fees and professional insurance:
Helena Jiříková, e-mail: [email protected], tel: +420 608 975 312
b) suspensions and terminations of certification:
Milena Ondráková; e-mail: [email protected], tel: +420 608 976 912