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Vážené architektky, vážení architekti, pražská kancelář je pro Vás otevřena i během svátků. Razítka si můžete vyzvednout vždy od 10 do 14 h v pondělí 23.12., v pátek 27. 12. a v pondělí 30. 12. Výměnu razítka v brněnské kanceláři si domluvte individuálně.


Registration with the Czech Chamber of Architects for architects from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Professional Practice of Certified Architects:

Act no. 360/1992 Coll. on the Professional Practice of Certified Architects and on the Professional Practice of Certified Engineers and Technicians Active in Construction sets forth requirements for pursuit of the professional activities of architects in the Czech Republic. Persons who attained necessary qualification for the pursuit of the professional activities of architect may perform chosen activities in construction after registration in the Czech Chamber of Architects.

The Czech Chamber of Architects is the recognition body for assessment of professional qualification for performance of chosen activities.  Should a professional qualification cannot be recognised in this manner, the assessment proceeds in accordance with Act no. 18/2004 Coll. on Recognition of Professional Qualification and Other Competences of Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and Certain Nationals of Other States and on Amendment of Some Acts, as amended (Act on Recognition of Professional Qualification).

There are two possibilities to be registered with the Czech Chamber of Architects. An architect can be registered as a resident or a visiting person.

Resident person/Usazená osoba:

Is permanent registration since he/her has license and pays member fee 9600 CZK a year, he get the license/certificate and the authorisation stamp and has the same rights as the Czech authorized architect. The fee for an application for recognition of professional qualifications is in the amount of 2000 CZK and is possible to pay cash or by bank transfer.

An applicant for registration shall include in his/her application /must be filled in Czech language/ chosen activities which he/she intends to continuously perform on the territory of the Czech Republic, delivery address on the territory of the Czech Republic and an application shall be completed with following documents /certified translation/ proving:

  • professional qualification /diplomas, certificates - confirmation of the professional body in the country and other documents on official qualification as well as professional practice - the list of projects, curriculum vitae/,
  • no criminal record – extract from the police records no more than three months old,
  • conclusion of a third party professional liability insurance policy,
  • payment of the fee for submission of application for recognition of professional qualification

Visiting person/Hostující osoba:

A visiting persone has the license for one year since the date of receiving license. The fee for an application for recognition of professional qualifications is in the amount of 2000 CZK. He has the same rights as the Czech authorized architect except of the votes at General Assembly. A visiting architect can use his origin stamp and affixes his/her signature and number under which he/she is registered in the Chamber to documents. A visiting person is obligated to notify fully the recognition body before commencement of performance of chosen activity on the territory of the Czech Republic.

Documents to be attached to a notification of professional practice with an application for the registration of a visiting person are the same as for resident architect.

All documents for registration should be send to:
Mrs. Ondraková Milena (Secretary of the Certification Committee)
Address: Josefská 34/6, Praha 1, 118 00, Czech Republic
[email protected]